Store Hours
I am usually in my shop
Monday through Saturday, but please call before
coming to make sure that I don’t miss you.
Driving Directions
My shop is located in Roberta, Georgia, in the
Crawford Business Development Center (old Elementary School) 1 mile north of
Roberta on Hwy 341. It is on the west side of the highway (left side if you are
coming from Roberta). Go in the north entrance by the playground equipment
(second entrance if you are coming from Roberta). I am in the third classroom
building, first door on your left.
Roberta is located at the intersection of Hwy 341
and Hwy 80. Highway 341 runs from Fort Valley, Georgia to Griffin, Georgia.
Highway 80 runs from Macon, Georgia (Eisenhower Parkway) to Columbus, Georgia
See the map and diagram
below for the location of my office in the Crawford Business Development Center.